With this in mind, players assess their cards and bid on how many tricks they think they are able to win and bids are recorded. You must follow suit every trick if you can, if not, you may play any card you like. If you have more than six players, you keep the amount of hands constant and adjust the hands that you do not have enough cards for by dealing the maximum amount of cards possible (keeping in mind that everybody must have the same amount of cards). There are fourteen hands in the game with varying amounts of cards dealt as below. This game is played using a standard deck of 52 playing cards (with aces being the highest cards), the first dealer being decided by a random method. As with all traditional card games, there is variation in the way people play, so I will be describing the game as I am familiar. Oh Hell is a traditional trick taking game in which, the object is to win the exact number of tricks bid. Traditional, sometimes attributed to the McCandelss’ 4-6 (can support up to 8 with minor rules adjustments)